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Father of Brother Brenden Gable, Father-in-Law of Sister Patty Gable

On October 6, 2024, Guy W. Gable, beloved husband of June V. Gable, passed away at the age of 85 after a short illness. He was born in Baltimore and graduated from Baltimore Polytechnic Institute. He retired from Baltimore County Police Department in 1999 after 31 years of service. He is survived by his wife, June, a son and daughter-in-law, and two grandsons.

Friends may visit from 5 to 7 PM on Thursday, October 10, 2024, at Haight Funeral Home & Chapel, 6416 Sykesville Road, Sykesville.

A private service and interment will be held at the convenience of the family.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be sent to the Gamber and Community Fire Company, 3838 Niner Road, Finksburg, MD 21048.

Online condolences may be made at

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