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On Monday evening, November 22, voting concluded in this year’s Election process. We’d like to thank our all who participated, voted, and/or sought election to an Office as well as our Election Committee for their diligence. The following are the tallies for the Offices to be held for the next two years, with an * indicating who secured that Office. Best of luck to all moving forward and THANK YOU to all who previously held these Offices.


*Dave Folderauer: 927
Dave Rose: 865

First Vice President

*Dave Sweren: 890
Ryan Massey: 889


*Bob Caskey: 975
Carroll Bollinger: 800

State Trustee

*Don Patterson: 911
Kathy Greenbeck: 823

Sergeant at Arms

*Chris Hodnicki: 980
Kathy Kraemer: 798

Board of Directors (Top 5)

*Joe Peach: 985
*Tom Scally: 864
*Doug Jess: 745
*Matt Krauch: 649
*Matt Gonzalez: 587
Greg Huber: 540
Joe Cohan: 531
Pat Zito: 523
Eli Visnick: 521
Josh List: 380
Brenna Vaughn: 271
Joe Barresi: 267
Shelly Knox: 261
Duane Holt: 230
Jason Garnek: 206
Kevin Jobe: 202

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