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Brother John Lein

On May 2, 2024, John B. Lein, age 90 died passed away. Born on July 25, 1933, in Rossville,
Maryland, he was one of eight children in the family of…

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Phyllis Myers

Mother of Brother Bruce Myers.

Mrs. Phyllis Myers passed away on April 2, 2024, in LaGrange, Georgia. She was born in Spring Grove, Pennsylvania…

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George Nizer, Jr

Father of Sister Karen Nizer.
The Lodge regrets to announce the passing of George Nizer, Jr on April 20, 2024. George was 96 years old at the time…

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Karen Chaconas

Wife of Brother Jim Chaconas.

Karen Paulette Easterling Chaconas, age 78, of Floresville, Texas went into the loving arms of the Lord on Friday,…

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Dorothy Meier

Mother-in-Law of Brother Franklin “Mike” Mitchem

On March 28, 2024, Dorothy Frances Meier (nee Kokosinski) passed away. She was the beloved wife…

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Gerron A. Stuart

Father-in-Law of Brother John Orndorff

Gerron Alexander “G” Stuart, 91, of Catonsville, went to be with the Lord on March 1, 2024. Gerron was born…

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Carli Lehmann

It is with a heavy heart that the Lodge announces the passing of Carli Lehmann, the Step-Daughter of Brother Bill Lally. Carli passed away…

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