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Brother Joe Kane

On July 13, 2023 Joseph M. Kane, Jr.; Beloved husband of Patricia M. Kane (nee Sopko); Loving father of Tanya Ruppert and husband Robert and Joseph…

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Terry Horner

Daughter of Brother Mike Horner


On July 4, 2023 Terry Lee Horner passed away; Beloved fiancĂ© of Brian Hess; Loving daughter of Mike…

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Lillian Parsons

Mother of Brother Jeff Parsons


Lillian S. Parsons, age 95, of Abingdon finished her journey here on this earth on June 29, 2023. Her…

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Clyde Settle

Father of Brother Gary Settle

On Wednesday, June 14, Clyde Marion Settle, of Lebanon, Virginia, passed away at the age of 90. He was born February…

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Howard B. Gersh

Howard B. Gersh of Baltimore, Maryland peacefully passed away on Sunday, May 14, 2023 at the age of 85. He is survived by his loving and devoted wife…

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