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The Lodge regrets to announce the passing of George Mullaney, Sr on March 5, 2025 at age 82. George is one of the original Charter Members of FOP Lodge 4 when we were formed in December of 1970.

George is the Uncle of Brothers Ray Mullaney, John Horst, Jim Rice, Tom Rose and George Blevins. He is also the Great-Uncle of Brothers Mason Rice and Isaiah Rose.

George had ID# 1037 and retired in 1984 at the rank of Sergeant.

Please keep the Mullaney, Rice, Rose, and Blevins families in your thoughts and prayers.

George “Gunner” Melvin Mullaney, Sr., age 82, of Rosedale, Maryland, passed away on March 5, 2025. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, he was the son of the late James and Rose (Letmate) Mullaney and the beloved husband of 63 years to Darlene Mullaney.

A proud veteran of the U.S. Navy, George lived life with an infectious joy, never meeting a stranger and always being the life of the party. He had a deep love for golf and spent much of his time on the course, both as a dedicated player and in later years as a ranger and starter at the Country Club of Maryland and Hayfield Country Club.

George’s vibrant spirit extended beyond the fairways—he was a natural entertainer, winning dance competitions on cruise ships and even making television appearances alongside his wife on The Buddy Deane Show. He loved to sing and dance, bringing laughter and energy wherever he went.

Professionally, George had a distinguished career with the Baltimore County Police Department, retiring in 1984 as a Detective Sergeant. His work ethic and charisma led him to many roles afterward, including serving as a chauffeur for the Chairman of the Board of Fairlane Bowling Center and working as a salesman for C & J Graphics and House of Gold.

Above all, George cherished time with his family and adored his grand-dogs, Madisen and Tess. His warmth, humor, and larger-than-life personality will be deeply missed by all who had the privilege of knowing him.

George is survived by his daughter, Deborah Jean (Ron) Brown; son, George Melvin (Courtney) Mullaney, Jr.; grandchildren, Brett Michael Brown, and Brittney Lynn Booher; great grandchildren, Chase Michael Brown, Knox Walter Booher, and Leighton Jean Booher; brothers, Bernard Mullaney, and Kenneth Mullaney.

In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his brothers, James Mullaney, and Raymond Mullaney and sister, Audrey Rice.

Contributions may be made to Wounded Warrior Project P.O. Box 758517, Topeka, KS 66675, Shriner’s Children’s Hospital 3551 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140

All are welcome to celebrate George’s life and offer their condolences to his family on Saturday, March 22, 2025, at the McCommas Funeral Home in Abingdon (1317 Cokesbury Rd, Abingdon, MD 21009). Visitation will be held from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, followed by a memorial service at 3:00 pm.



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