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Dan Belson

The Baltimore Sun

March 11, 2025

Southwest Airlines will start charging many customers for checked bags in late May, marking the end of a longtime perk for the airline.

Only certain customers with thousands of frequent flyer miles, and those flying on premium fares, will be able to check two bags for free. Additional “select” members will be able to check one bag, the airline said in a news release.

The airline will also be introducing new “Basic” fares. The changes take effect May 28, the airline said.

The Dallas-based airline, which has its busiest East Coast hub at BWI Marshall Airport, has been undergoing restructuring that included its first mass layoffs this year. In 2023, Southwest flew 18.3 million passengers at BWI.

The changes come after a boardroom feud last year between the airline and its activist investor, Elliott Investment Management, which led to Southwest adding five of the hedge fund’s nominees to its board.

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