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Rebecca Pryor

Fox45 News

September 23, 2024

Following five days of gut-wrenching testimony and chilling body-worn camera footage, the state rested its case against 26-year-old David Linthicum.

Continuously taking center stage throughout the trial, police video showed Linthicum opening fire on Officer Jonathan Chih from just feet away. Chih was shot in the face and arms before Linthicum stole his unmarked police truck and drove off. Two jury members were brought to tears watching the incident unfold.

“It was a bad nightmare,” said Chih. On the stand, Chih said he thought Linthicum was a hitchhiker in need of help. The defense questioned why he confronted a man walking alone on a dark road while a manhunt was underway.

“You probably wish you didn’t get out of the car that night?” asked Defense Attorney Deborah Levy.

“That’s a difficult question to ask,” Chih replied.

Leaving the courthouse, Levy was tight-lipped, not responding when asked if she believed Chih’s emotional testimony hurt her case. However, inside the courtroom she was highly critical of the initial response from three officers trying to make contact with Linthicum.

“David, it’s Officer Arnette. Can I talk to you?” one of the officers called out to Linthicum, after his dad called 911 asking for a police presence at his house, reporting Linthicum armed and suicidal.

Police body camera footage shows Linthicum’s dad, John, leading the officers downstairs, where Linthicum is sitting with an AR15 rifle.

“David, you’re going to shoot me?” asks John.

Linthicum’s only response is a barrage of bullets. 16 rounds in total, sending officers fleeing to safety. Outside, John emerges unscathed, but Officer Barry Jordan has been struck in his hip and lower back.

Attempting to throw out a series of attempted murder charges, the defense argued, “David Linthicum fired into a wall.” “There is nothing to prove that David Linthicum even knew officers were there,” said Linthicum’s attorney, “There is no evidence, not one shred of evidence David Linthicum intended to kill a soul on that day, besides himself.”

In response, the state called the argument “ludicrous.” “Each of those officers were exposed to a barrage of gunfire,” said prosecutors, “It’s disturbing that an argument of that nature would even be made.”

Ultimately, 2 of Linthicum’s 27 charges were dismissed. Both counts accused Linthicum of attacking his dad. It was a small victory for the defense, but John appeared to be dissatisfied with the decision. “The state hasn’t proven a lot of things,” he told FOX45, “There’s a whole lot more they need to throw out.”

When asked if he thought Linthicum was trying to shoot him, John replied, “No, I know he wasn’t aiming at me. I could train a monkey to shoot me at that distance.”

The defense’s first witness was the mom of Linthicum’s ex-girlfriend. Attorneys tried to ask her about a previous suicide attempt Linthicum allegedly made years ago. However, that line of questioning was banned for legal reasons that remain unclear to those in the courtroom.


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